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A Vampire吸血鬼バンパイア, Banpaia is a powerful creature created from a human virgin drained of blood by a vampire of the opposite sex, only for said vampire to offer their own blood in return. This resurrects the corpse as a newborn among the undead and perpetuates a lineage. They are often referred to as "Freaks" or "Midians."


Exactly how a human becomes a vampire without another vampire is unclear, but the only two known instances of such vampirism were Alucard (as Vlad Ţepeş) at his execution and The Major after being critically wounded while defending Berlin against Soviet troops.[6][7] In both of these cases, they were on the brink of death, but the blood of the corpses around them congealed into a stream and called out to them at their lowest point. Vlad gave in and drank the blood, becoming a vampire, but The Major refused to drink it through sheer willpower.

The most notable ability of vampires is their ability to transform their opposite-gender virgin victims into their offspring.[8] Attempts to convert non-virgins or virgins of the same gender will result in the creation of a ghoul.[9][10][11] In the case of a successful blood exchange between a vampire and a virgin, the virgin will become a "Servant Vampire使役吸血鬼, Shieki Kyūketsuki," and enters the first stage of vampirism.[12] While lacking the higher-level powers of the "master" vampire, they still possess superhuman powers and a psychic connection with their master.[13] As with their masters, upon the consumption of a human's blood of their own will, the restrictions imposed upon the fledgling vanish and further abilities are unlocked, completing the transition to "Real Vampire" status.[14]

Vampires use a host of powers regarded as unholy to prey upon humans and accrue power. The Pastor seen at the beginning of Hellsing created masses of armed ghouls hoping to use them as his army, and depending on the chronicle, used a form of enhanced speed, telekinesis, hypnosis, or a combination of the three to seize Seras Victoria and use her as a pawn in a gamble to escape death at Alucard's hands.[15][16][17] Additionally, vampires classically are purported to have a high pain threshold and a measure of enhanced strength, properties many Hellsing vampires share. Agelessness and a need to sleep in a coffin or in contact with the soil of one's birthplace are also noted.[18]

Even with these special characteristics, though, there are certain common characteristics and weaknesses. Elongated fangs and red eyes are amongst the most obvious indications, as is the thirst for human blood.[19] They are unable to cross large bodies of water without means of external locomotion.[20] "Holy" symbols, materials, and relics are often treated as highly dangerous, with Silver, in particular, being lethal to most of them.[21][22] Blessed Silver is even worse and may inflict extensive damage depending upon the blessings of the material and strength of the vampire target.

Types of Vampires[]

Within the Hellsing universe, there are two distinct types of vampires introduced: Real Vampires本物の吸血鬼, Honmono no Kyūketsuki, and Artificial Vampires人工吸血鬼, Jinkō Kyūketsuki.

Real Vampires[]

The term "Real Vampire"[23] is used in Hellsing to refer to a specific group of vampires that had transcended their role to become a true member of the race.[24][25] For naturals, it is said that the more blood vampires drink the more powerful they'd become.[26] When it comes to Alucard's wide variety of abilities and expertise, in that case, he was countlessly experimented on and built upon by the Hellsing family to essentially become the perfect, ultimate, undead.[27] It can be correctly assumed that the vampiric Pastor at the beginning of the series was a natural; showcasing abilities that even Artificial Vampires are stated to not be able to do.[28]

Once a Servant Vampire began sucking the blood out of a human person, whether willingly or not, it begins their transition from a previous Servant, to a true member of their race, that is, real, genuine, vampires.[29][30] This unlocks their full potential, and as showcased with Seras Victoria (Alucard's fledgling), her vampiric capabilities skyrocketed.[31][32] The only vampire bloodline confirmed as Real Vampires in the Hellsing series is that of Alucard and his offspring. The control of solid shadows is also indicative of Alucard's bloodline, to the point it allows for flight if used correctly.

Artificial Vampires[]

The term "Artificial Vampire" is reserved for those who turned into an undead being through the Millennium Organization's special process, and are not subject to the bite of other vampires.[33] While clearly intended to resemble each other, these vampires are actually very different and hold their own unique characteristics; making them hard to confuse with each other. Weaker than Real Vampires, artificial ones are in a class of their own.

Millennium's initial vampire research was overseen by The Professor, who experimented on prisoners of war during World War II and was conducted at Millennium's facility in occupied Warsaw, Poland.[34] These cells were created by an investigation into the desiccated corpse of Mina Harker.[35][36] It appears that the cell process required a certain degree of invasive surgery and bio-engineering. Initial cells were only slightly better than ghouls and had an extremely limited lifespan (less than eight hours after the procedure was concluded), but The Professor was certain their potential to spread the infection could offset this issue.[37] Thanks to advancements in the procedure over time, the finished model was much better than in its early stages.[38]

Most Artificial Vampires share the same traits, weaknesses, and powers, though some of them can be marked as special due to their own characteristics. Due to this, they all had their important role in Millennium, mostly as the leaders of special groups like Rip Van Winkle, whose task was to hijack the aircraft carrier HMS Eagle, or Zorin Blitz, who was ordered to attack Hellsing manor and kill Alucard's fledgling, Seras Victoria.[39][40]

One notable thing about Millennium's Artificial Vampires is that they lacked the ability to convert others into vampires; all victims regardless of gender or virginity were immediately transformed into ghouls.[41] It is possible that this deviation from typical vampiric processes may have been intentional, as it ensured that anyone who was killed by the Artificial Vampires became a mindless killing machine, posing no threat to Millennium and serving to spread their infection to others more quickly. Additionally, ghouls created by naturally born vampires die the moment that the vampire that turned them is killed.[42] With Artificial Vampires, however, this does not occur; the ghouls would continue to live on their own if the vampire who made them is killed.[43] This is also likely an intentional alteration on the part of Millennium to their soldiers, as it made any incursion by Millennium that involved mass slaughter that much harder to contain. It also played on the theme of "eternal war" as the numbers of undead monsters increase, the longer the conflict will be.

General Abilities[]

Powers and Abilities
The abilities given when being a vampire, whether Real or Artificial, completely vary from person to person, especially Artificial Vampires. Jan and Luke Valentine are prime examples of this case, as whereas Jan was given superhuman strength, Luke's primary ability is his enhanced speed to the point of impressing even Alucard.
Superhuman Strength: Vampires are described as being able to tear apart humans as if they were mere rags.[44] If a vampire is starved, their strength is substantially diminished and only barely above that of a human of similar size.[45][46] Particularly powerful vampires like Alucard and Seras Victoria are capable of eviscerating whole battalions of soldiers in a matter of minutes as well as causing considerable structural damage when at full strength.[47][48][49]
Superhuman Speed and Reflexes: Vampires are greatly faster than even the most trained human. With their supernatural speed, they can appear as a flash of light to the eyes of a human being, and they can easily dodge automatic gunfire.[50][51]
Superhuman Durability and Endurance: Vampires are extremely resistant to conventional injuries, with gunshots to the head barely slowing them down.
Hematophagy: One of the most notable vampire abilities is to be able to drink blood, which is the main food for vampires, to an extent; the only thing that's good for them.[52] Consuming blood allows the said vampire to gain more strength and as a result, become someone formidable. Especially for Real Vampires, once they consume one's blood; the victim's soul is taken and they gain many benefits from it.[53] However, Artificial Vampires seemingly do not need to survive with blood; most of them seemingly think that it just tastes good. Real Vampires absolutely need blood to survive.[54]
Regeneration: Vampires can regenerate gunshots, wounds, and even lost limbs to an extent. Artificial Vampires' way of regenerating is different; they take noticeably longer. However, Artificial Vampires seemingly do not have the ability to regenerate a part of their limbs that has been dismembered or destroyed.[55]
Telepathy: A vampire can read and speak directly into the minds of those they have sucked blood from.
Hypnosis: A vampire can also manipulate the minds of weaker-willed beings.[56]
Underling Authority
A vampire has the ability to create and command several different kinds of underlings, including Servant Vampires, familiars, and ghouls. Except for ghouls, this ability is specific and only naturals could utilize a familiar and create a vampire servant, while Artificial Vampires could only create ghouls, even if the victim was a virgin and whatnot.[57]
Their immortality is rooted in the reservoir of souls which they accumulate by feeding on live prey.[58][59] If a vampire is grievously wounded, it is one of their familiars that die in their place. It is why Alucard couldn't die even if a holy bayonet is placed all over his body and his head is decapitated, being seemingly "immortal."[60] This specific ability is exclusive to naturals; while Artificial Vampires themselves are immortal, it is only biologically.


  • Silver and Blessed Weapons: Vampires are susceptible to injuries caused by weapons containing Silver, such as bullets or blades, or even coming in contact with it.[61] Blessed weapons and holy artifacts are also extremely harmful to them.[62]
  • Decapitation: While never seen to destroy "Real Vampires," it has been seen to dispatch Artificial Vampires. It can most likely do the same to Real Vampires, as Alexander Anderson expected Alucard to be destroyed after beheading him and Integra Hellsing mentioned it as a way to kill a vampire.[63][64]
  • Impaling: Most vampires can be dispatched by impaling the heart, which can be seen when Alucard finished off the Pastor and later Huger.[65][66] The heart is often presented as a weak spot for a vampire and thus is a popular target against them. Potent religious artifacts such as the Nail of Helena are able to imbue a strong holy aura in weaponry to make it incredibly deadly against vampires, and presumably other "unholy" creatures.[67]
  • Blood Dependency: Most vampires must take in blood in order to maintain their power. Even Alucard was reduced to a corpse-like state during his hibernation over many years after the second world war until rejuvenated by Integra Hellsing's blood.[68]
  • Bodies of Water: Vampires cannot cross open bodies of water, which are implicated to be fatal to them.[69]
  • Sunlight: Some vampires, usually lesser ones, are harmed to some extent by direct sunlight.[70]

Most of these weaknesses are shown to be possible to build a resistance to or overcome completely, given enough time and maturity into the Vampiric role, daylight being a prime example of a weakness that Alucard and Seras are both able to overcome.[71]

List of Vampires[]

Natural Vampires
Alucard Mina Seras Pastor
Artificial Vampires
Huger Jessica Luke Jan
Alhambra Rip Van Zorin Walter
Last Battalion

Concept and Creation[]

Hirano commented that he decided to draw vampire-type stories when he was still a student. In order to expand his idea of what a "vampire" is he created many prototypes. Having the vampires shapeshift throughout the series and writing the series down in an eccentric style, he thought it'd be best to do so because he was going to write a vampire story set in a modern time.[72]


  • Vampires are sometimes referred to as "Midians," which is likely a reference to the 1990 film Nightbreed. Later on, The Major named the many aliases of vampires, and one of them was "Nightbreed."[73]
  • The Katakana for vampires (バンパイア) are sometimes alternatively spelled as "ヴァンパイア" in some panels.


  1. Order 21: Age of Empire (2) p. 1
  2. Order 21: Age of Empire (2) p. 1
  3. Order 21: Age of Empire (2) p. 1
  4. Order 21: Age of Empire (2) p. 1
  5. Order 21: Age of Empire (2) p. 1
  6. Order 68: Castle vania (1)
  7. Order 78: Warcraft (1)
  8. Order 01: Vampire Hunter p. 8. "Vampires can only breed more vampires by drinking the blood of a Virgin of the opposite sex."
  9. Order 01: Vampire Hunter p. 6
  10. Order 07: Dead Zone (1) pp. 2-3. "Ghouls were the result of vampire attacks on non-virgins."
  11. Hellsing: Ultimate I Booklet
  12. Order 01: Vampire Hunter
  13. Order 02: Master of Monster
  14. Order 53: Yaksa
  15. Hellsing Episode 1: The Undead
  16. Hellsing: Ultimate I
  17. Order 01: Vampire Hunter
  18. Order 19: Elevator Action (6) prologue. "Most vampires moves only at night. Their sole nest of repose is a small, dark coffin. Excellent reflexes and concentration, a sixth sense, physical adeptness, special abilities, endurance, bloodsucking, transformation, an undying nature, ect., ect. But what is most dreadful is that basic violence... Power. They tear through humans like they were mere rags."
  19. Order 10: Dead Zone (4)
  20. Order 30: D (5)
  21. Order 19: Elevator Action (6) prologue
  22. Order 11: Balance of Power (1) pp. 7-8
  23. Order 09: Dead Zone (3) p. 23. "Now it's time to teach you how Real Vampires do battle."
  24. Order 53: Yaksa
  25. Order 68: Castle vania (1)
  26. HELLSING official guide book p. 007
  27. Order 06: Sword Dancer (3) p. 21. "Just as you're the crystallization of anti-monster technology... The Hellsing family has spent 100 years gloriously building him into the Ultimate Undead: The Vampire Alucard!"
  28. Order 01: Vampire Hunter p. 13. "All I want are devoted slaves. I won't even make you a vampire with free will. There probably aren't any virgins your age these days anyway."
  29. Order 06: Sword Dancer (3) p. 9
  30. Order 53: Yaksa
  31. Order 54: The Man I Love
  32. Order 55: Ogre Battle
  33. Hellsing: Ultimate II Booklet
  34. Hellsing: The Dawn
  35. The Dawn - 1
  36. Order 88: Oblivion pp. 7-8. "Mina Harker. This was your instruction manual. It's said that Dracula was defeated by Helsing, and she returned to being human. But Alucard isn't dead!! He's still there inside her. That's why you robbed her grave... took her empty shell, and cleaned everything you could from it."
  37. The Dawn - 1
  38. Order 87: Sorcerian (2)
  39. Hellsing: Ultimate IV
  40. Hellsing: Ultimate V
  41. Order 07: Dead Zone (1) p. 3. "Of all the victims in the recent attacks, not one of them became a vampire. Even young boys and girls, obviously virgins, all turned into ghouls."
  42. Order 01: Vampire Hunter p. 8. "If you kill the head vampire, you kill them all."
  43. Order 07: Dead Zone (1) p. 3. "Historically, ghouls are destroyed when their vampire master ceases to exist. But in this last incident in Badrick, the Vatican's Father Anderson had already killed the vampire... and the place was swarming with ghouls when we sent in our men."
  44. Order 19: Elevator Action (6) prologue
  45. Order 02: Master of Monster
  46. Order 07: Dead Zone (1) pp. 5-7
  47. Hellsing: Ultimate III
  48. Hellsing: Ultimate VII
  49. Hellsing: Ultimate VIII
  50. Hellsing: Ultimate I
  51. Hellsing: Ultimate I
  52. Order 03: Murder Club
  53. Order 53: Yaksa
  54. Order 07: Dead Zone (1) p. 5
  55. Hellsing: Ultimate II
  56. Hellsing: Ultimate III
  57. Order 07: Dead Zone (1) p. 3. "Of all the victims in the recent attacks, not one of them became a vampire. Even young boys and girls, obviously virgins, all turned into ghouls."
  58. Order 59: Wizardry (3) p. 16. "No wonder you do not die. No wonder I cannot kill him!!! Just how many lives does he have?! Just how many human lives has he sucked?!"
  59. Order 59: Wizardry (3) p. 15. "Blood is the currency of the soul, the coinage of life. To suck blood is to make the whole existence of a life one's own."
  60. HELLSING official guide book p. 026. "一般に吸血鬼は心臓に杭を打ち込むこと で死ぬとされているが、アーカードは全身 に銃剣を突き刺されたうえで首を落とされ ても死なない。なぜなら、それはただ「アー カードの中のひとつの命が死ぬ」ことに過ぎ ないからである。不死の王アーカードを倒すには、彼の中 に存在する命のすべてを殺さねばならない。 しかし、彼がこれまでに取り込んだ命は無 数であり、これからも命を取り込み続ける 限りアーカードは無敵とされている。" (Rough Translation: It is generally believed that vampires die by driving a stake through their hearts, but Alucard does not die even if a bayonet is thrust through his entire body and he's decapitated. This is because it is nothing more than "one life inside Alucard dying." In order to defeat Nosferatu Alucard, one must kill all life that exists within him. However, the number of lives he has taken so far is countless, and as long as he continues to take lives, Alucard is considered invincible.)
  61. Order 05: Sword Dancer (2) p. 16
  62. Order 11: Balance of Power (1) pp. 7-8
  63. Order 06: Sword Dancer (3)
  64. Order 11: Balance of Power (1) pp. 7-8
  65. Order 01: Vampire Hunter
  66. Order 03: Murder Club
  67. Order 65: Might and Magic (1)
  68. Order 02: Master of Monster
  69. Order 30: D (5) p. 4. "To vampires, the sea is the same as the pits of hell's cauldron."
  70. Order 13: Balance of Power (3) p. 21. "Isn't direct sunlight one of vampire's worst enemies?"
  71. Hellsing: Ultimate III
  72. Beckett Anime Issue #89
  73. Order 21: Age of Empire (2) p. 1. "Monsters!! Unhumans!! Nightbreed!! Specters!! Heteromorphs!!" (Original Japanese: "怪物ミデイアン!! 人外ミデイアン !! 夜族ミデイアン!! 物の怪ミデイアン!! 異形ミデイアン!!")