Hellsing Wiki

The Dawn (4) is the fourth chapter of Hellsing: The Dawn. The events of this Manga takes place prior to the events of the main story. This is the fourth of six chapters.


Walter and The Captain continue to fight, and it is obvious that The Captain has the upper hand. When things look bleakest though, Alucard appears from his casket wielding a Tommy Gun to save the day.


Walter and The Captain's battle heats up as Walter begins to take blow after blow, coughing up blood. It is then that he gets lucky and wraps his wires around The Captain's throat. However, The Captain turns it on him and puts him on the ground, strangling him. As Walter slowly loses consciousness, Alucard steps out in the form of a young girl wielding a sub-machine gun. With it he blows The Captain's arms to pieces. Walter scolds him, but Alucard assures him that help has arrived.

Appearances (In Order)[]



