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- Sir Irons
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Round Table Council President Sir Hugh Irons 《円卓会議議長ヒュー・アイ ランズ卿, Entaku Kaigi Gichō Hyū Airanzu-Kyō》 is a pivotal supporting character in the Hellsing series created by Kohta Hirano, while playing a larger and more important role in Hellsing: The Dawn. He is voiced by Katsunosuke Hori in the Japanese sub and Doug Stone in the English dub. Jun'ichi Suwabe provided his voice for his younger iteration in Hellsing: The Dawn.
He is the leader of The Round Table Council and a trustful ally of the Hellsing Agency, notably being close friends with Sir Integra's father, Arthur Hellsing. He is a man of cool, calm, and strict character. Thirty years later, his great-grandson succeeds him as either the leader or a member of the Council. Sir Irons was bestowed the honor of commanding over a castmate, a large store of artillery to combat the coming threat to country and crown.
As a young man, Irons was a man of average height and build, almost as tall as Arthur with dark blue eyes. He had blonde, short combed hair, slicked to the left and high-arching eyebrows. As time passed on, in 1999, Irons grew much older than he was in 1944. By this time, he appears to be much more thinner, with his hair now slicked to the back and grey.
He wore a white long-sleeved shirt with black tie under a black double-breasted suit jacket with matching trousers and business shoes. He also wore a pair of white gloves and circular wire-rimmed glasses. His most recognizable set of accessories is his black top hat and a cane. Irons later wore a black vest with his double-breasted jacket now unbuttoned. During the conference meeting in the Hellsing manor, Irons wore an all-red outfit; the rims of his glasses were also gold instead of grey. In 1944, Irons wore an all-green outfit, save for his shirt which remains white, and a red-and-blue striped tie.
Sir Hugh Irons is a rather stern individual, with an ability to remain cool in the face of danger. These aspects of his personality are seen in Volume 2 during the Valentine Brothers' attack when he keeps himself calm as the rest of the Council, except Integra, is frantic for their lives.[2][3] Though in most situations he remains serious and calm, he pokes fun at something he finds ironic and has bit of a humor in him.[4][5] Even with his calm and collected nature, Irons sometimes can get angry as such when he yelled at The Major during his declaration of war in front of the Round Table Council, Iscariot, and Her Majesty. But The Major shuts him down quickly after that.[6]
However, at times, his behavior comes across as "cold-hearted" because of his beliefs in honor and pride. Irons believes that the commander should be held responsible for the deaths of the soldiers under them had the attack they received was not prepared; that is why he ordered Walter to step down and that Integra should be the one who'll put the Hellsing ghouls out of their misery as she is the commander and it is her duty of doing so.[7] Incredibly loyal to the Queen and his close friends, Irons was one of the only ones who did not suspect Penwood of betraying him and demanded that the Millennium should pay for killing one of their comrades.[8]
Despite his cold-hearted demeanor, Sir Irons cares for the soldiers sent to the battlefield; even if they aren't working under him specifically. Before Arthur's assurance, Irons criticized Arthur's actions in sending Walter to the battlefield and being carefree as Walter risks his life infiltrating a Nazi base.[9]
Sir Irons attends the Round Table Conference at Hellsing manor to discuss Integra's findings concerning the recent vampire attacks in England. It is during this meeting that Luke and Jan Valentine assault Hellsing manor, trapping the members of the Round Table inside. Irons remains in the conference room with the other members of the Round Table for the duration. He remains calm in the face of this threat and demands the same from the other members when Penwood begins to raise his voice. They remain there until Jan Valentine breaks in, pistols at the ready and mere moments after he opens the door, Jan is riddled with bullets from their combined volley.
In the aftermath of the Valentine Brothers' attack, Sir Irons belays an order given by Integra to Walter to put the ghoulish Hellsing forces down. He explains that as the leader of these men, it falls on Integra to put her troops to rest. He reprimands Integra for being unprepared, placing the responsibility for the state of the fallen soldiers on her shoulders. He instructs Walter to instead begin investigations into Millennium.
After Alucard's arrival to inform Her Majesty of his findings about "Millennium" back in Rio, Irons was present in the conference and witnessed the declaration of war from the mastermind behind Millenniu, The Major.
When the war begun enraging in London, he is seen arriving in fortress Dover with fellow Round Table member Rob Walsh, where they discuss the current whereabouts of the Queen and the state of London. The two begin speaking of a potential counterattack on vampires outside and within the city, and of a supposed "nuclear" solution. Conversation turns to the supposed traitor among the Round Table, and of how Irons vehemently defended Sir Penwood.
Sir Irons then speaks on something that had been bothering him about the subject. Upon the death of Arthur Hellsing, he warned Walter Dornez that Richard, Arthur's brother, would be willing to kill Integra to inherit the family title. He told Walter to keep eyes on both Richard and Integra; but, when Richard attempted to take Integra's life, Walter was suspiciously nowhere to be found. This leads him to the realization that all of the events leading up to Millennium's return originated with Alucard's reawakening by Integra, and that Walter had betrayed them all to Millennium back during the second World War.
At some point between the defeat of Millennium, Sir Hugh Irons visited the graves of his old friends, Arthur Hellsing and Sir Penwood for the last time, before disappearing. The return of Alucard thirty years later, Sir Irons died of natural causes and his great-grandson succeeded him as the leader of the Round Table.
- Sir Arthur Hellsing: Arthur and Irons had known each other since they were students at Oxford.[10] Irons and Arthur were close friends with somewhat conflicting personalities. While Irons was all work and business, Arthur took an interest in chasing women and trying new things to complete missions, deploying the young Walter C. Dornez even against the suggestions and opinions of the Round Table Council.[11][12] Nonetheless, they were the closest of friends despite their differences along with Penwood, who, out of the trio are the most clumsiest and is often the butt of the joke.[13]
When Arthur passed, Penwood and Irons took care of Integra on behalf of Arthur. Irons was the one who warned Walter about Richard in fear of both Integra's life, and what would come of Hellsing had Richard took control.[14] In the end, after the war had ended, Irons visited the graves of Penwood and Arthur; reminiscing about the past with his best friends for the last time.[15]
- Sir Shelby M. Penwood: Though the two barely interacted on screen, Arthur, Irons and Penwood were amongst the best of friends when they were young and Arthur was alive.[16] Though Irons heavily criticizes Penwood for his clumsy nature, he remains confident that Penwood is a man amongst men. Despite almost all of the Round Table conference suspecting that Penwood was the traitor among them, Irons opposed the idea that Penwood would do such a thing; stating that Penwood would rather commit suicide than turn traitor. Irons described Penwood as a "valued friend" and demanded that Millennium should pay for being the cause of his death.[17][18] After the battle had ended, Irons visited the graves of Arthur and Irons before departing shortly after reminiscing their younger days.[19]
- Sir Integral Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing: Although Irons was critical of the way Integra handled things, Irons cared for Integra as Penwood did (due to his close relationship with Arthur, he became Integra's guardian[20][21]). Highly suspecting and wary of Arthur's younger brother, Irons notified Hellsing butler Walter C. Dornez to keep an eye on Richard and take care of Integra. As the head of the Round Table Council, Integra is under the direct order of Irons. Irons is also proud of Integra's development, describing Integra as the Round Table Council's "lass," and was sure that she was still trying her hardest, fighting the intense battle.[22][23]
- Walter C. Dornez: In 1944, when Walter and Alucard were sent to infiltrate an enemy base, Irons cared for his life although he wasn't under his direct orders, and was critical of Arthur's decision in sending and risking his life to do the mission. Arthur later assured Irons that nothing would go wrong in the mission, though Irons still remained skeptical of Arthur's decision.[24] In 1989, Arthur's daughter Integra awakened Alucard in a desperate attempt to save her life from her uncle, Richard Hellsing[25]; Iron's had previously told Walter to keep an eye out for Richard and was highly skeptical of Walter's whereabouts on the whole matter. Irons skepticism was proven correct as Walter C. Dornez was the traitor amongst the Round Table Council; because of his treason, Irons called Walter a "swine" for his actions.[26]
Abilities and Skills | |
Intelligence: His intelligence most likely stems from his past as a former Oxward graduate along with Arthur. Irons was the one who, although was too late to say his thoughts on the matter, deduced who was the traitor amongst the Round Table: Walter C. Dornez.[27] | |
Tactical Genius: Rob Walsh also specifically mentioned that the extraction strikes forces Irons positioned within bases outside of London are starting to see results in wiping out forces under Millennium which had infiltrated multiple bases.[28] | |
Marksmanship: Despite being the furthest away from the entrance of the Conference room, Irons as an old man was able to keep up with the other's precision in shooting Jan Valentine into shreds; showcasing his marksman precision coming from his early days of battles and huntings with his close friends.[29][30] |
Webley Mk VI | |
The Webley Mk VI is a revolver manufactured by RSAF Enfield. Introduced in 1915, it is the best-known model of the Webley Revolvers. The Mk VI featured redesigned, more squared grips, a 152 mm barrel and removable front sights. Irons wielded a Webley Mk VI in Volume 2, where he, along with the rest of the Round Table members including Integra all together shot Jan Valentine after he unfortunately barges into the room at the wrong time. Later on, Irons gave his Webley to Integra in order for her to fulfill her responsibilities as a commander in mercy killing all those Hellsing soldiers that were turned into a ghoul.
"アイランズ (Airanzu)" can be translated into English as "Irons" or "Islands." While Dark Horse Comics' translation of the Hellsing manga uses "Irons," the dub of the OVA pronounces his surname as "Islands."[31][32] The OVA's booklets and credits refers to him as "Sir Islands."[33] The guidebook never wrote his name in English, leaving it written in katakana.
- Irons and Arthur Hellsing are the only characters in the series who died naturally or by disease and were not killed by anyone.
- ↑ Order 07: Dead Zone (1)
- ↑ Hellsing: Volume 2
- ↑ Hellsing: Ultimate II
- ↑ Order 08: Dead Zone (2) p. 1
- ↑ Hellsing: Ultimate II
- ↑ Order 24: Ultima On Line p. 1
- ↑ Order 10: Dead Zone (4) pp. 18-20
- ↑ Order 72: Heart of Iron
- ↑ The Dawn - 2
- ↑ The Dawn - 2 p. 4
- ↑ The Dawn - 1
- ↑ The Dawn - 2
- ↑ Hellsing: Ultimate V ending sequence
- ↑ Order 72: Heart of Iron
- ↑ Hellsing: Ultimate V ending sequence
- ↑ Hellsing: Ultimate V ending sequence
- ↑ Order 08: Dead Zone (2) p. 1
- ↑ Order 72: Heart of Iron
- ↑ Hellsing: Ultimate V ending sequence
- ↑ Hellsing: Ultimate II Booklet
- ↑ HELLSING OVA I - V Blu-ray Box Booklet
- ↑ Hellsing: Ultimate II
- ↑ Order 72: Heart of Iron
- ↑ The Dawn - 2
- ↑ Order 02: Master of Monster
- ↑ Order 72: Heart of Iron
- ↑ Order 72: Heart of Iron
- ↑ Order 72: Heart of Iron
- ↑ Hellsing: Ultimate II
- ↑ Hellsing: Ultimate V ending sequence
- ↑ Hellsing: Volume 2 Dark Horse Comics
- ↑ Hellsing: Ultimate II Funimation Entertainment
- ↑ Hellsing: Ultimate X ending credits