Hellsing Wiki
Note: The article uses events as described by the booklet of OVA X,[a] while simultaneously using the novel's description and interpretations of the characters.

Quincey Morrisキンシーモリス, Kinshī Morisu is a minor character in the Hellsing series created by Kohta Hirano. He is also one of the main characters in Dracula by Bram Stoker.


He had brown hair and fair skin and was fairly built. He wore a suit underneath a black coat, with dark brown trousers and a pair of black shoes. He also wore white gloves and a brown hat.


Quincey valued "honesty and pluck" above almost anything. He was straightforward and never said anything he didn't mean. He took what people said to him at face value and accepted even the strangest things (like the existence of vampires) with remarkable calm. Lucy Westenra noted that he "is really well educated and has exquisite manners, even though he can be super funny." He only used American slang when no uptight English people were around to be shocked and horrified by his language. He carried a Bowie Knife at all times, and at one point he admits that he is a teller of tall tales and "a rough fellow, who hasn't perhaps lived as a man should."


Quincey was a rich young American from Texas. Back when he was in the Pampas, he was forced to shoot his horse after vampire bats drank it dry during the night. In England, Quincey was one of the two men who proposed to Lucy Westenra. Quincey was friends with her other suitor, Jack Seward, as well as Arthur Holmwood, who was to be married to Lucy's best friend, Mina Harker.[2] Quincey was the last person to donate his blood to Lucy before her death. The group managed to track down Count Dracula back to Transylvania, and there, Abraham Van Helsing and his men, after an intense fierce battle with Dracula, Quincey lost his life.


  • In the novel, Quincey is the only major character not to keep some form of journal, aside from Dracula.




  1. 不死の怪物となった“伯爵”がトランシルヴァニ アの居城で、アーサー・ホルムウッド、キンシー・モ リス、ジャック・セワード、エイブラハム・ヴァン・ヘ ルシングらによって倒される。一連の事件の際、 アーサーの婚約者であったミナは“伯爵”と出会 い、彼の血を飲む儀式“血の洗礼”を行なった。 その後“伯爵”は王立国教騎士団一ヘルシング 機関において様々な改造・術式を施される。


  1. Order 64: Hundred Swords (3)
  2. Hellsing: Ultimate X Booklet
