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Ultima on Lineウルティマオンライン, Urutimaonrain is the sixth chapter of Hellsing: Volume 4. It is also the Twenty-Fourth chapter of the Hellsing manga.


The Major continues his declaration of war, trying to help his adversaries understand that his reasons for causing a war do not exist. That he is merely violent for the sake of violence, and that his enemies are, in top priority, Alucard and England.


The Major continues to speak, and when one of the members of the meeting interrupts him, he specifically calls him down, saying it has been a while since he's spoken to a woman, and would rather talk with Integra than any of the others. He explains who he is, and when Maxwell calls him crazy, The Major's response is basically "What of it?" He explains that they are the SS and that they have been violent murderers for the sake of murder for half a century, telling them that they are 50 years too late in accusing them of being crazy.

He declares that his enemies are England and the vampire Alucard. Alucard lets off a long laugh, saying that he is enjoying this declaration of war, stating that he will destroy the Nazis as many times as they want. The Major states that they will keep coming back as long as they keep getting destroyed. Integra, having heard enough, commands Alucard to execute Schrödinger, which he does with ease of conscience.

The Major is surprised by the uncharacteristic violence Integra is displaying, asking how she could kill an Envoy. Integra mocks The Major and his declaration, stating that they won't accept them as a legitimate enemy threat and as merely a group of terrorists. She says this calmly, but The Major states that she is betrayed by her shaking fist. He states that he understands how Alucard could work for her, and then bids farewell as Integra commands Seras to shoot the monitor, which she does. Suddenly, the Queen orders Hellsing to find this enemy of England and destroy them.

Appearances (In Order)[]



