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Age of Empire  エージ・オブ・エンパイア ①, Eiji Obu Enpaia-ichi is the second chapter of Hellsing: Volume 4 and the overall twentieth chapter of the Hellsing manga created by Kohta Hirano.


Enrico Maxwell interrogated a Bishop regarding his past history with helping Millennium. Despite the Bishop's attempts to lie, Maxwell pieced everything together and knew that they had helped the Millennium Group in an attempt to become a vampire. Maxwell declared his actions in interrogating the Bishop as simply an act of "inquisition," remarking that although the 1944 Vampire Production Program only managed to create imperfect ghouls, the ability to deploy ghouls in the battlefield would have been fearful had the program not been destroyed by Hellsing. He then ordered the execution of the Bishop via Heinkel Wulf.


In July 1999, a Bishop was being interrogated by Enrico Maxwell and Iscariot regarding his history with The Major. He chronicled that the first time he met The Major was in 1941, back when The Major still had the lieutenant rank and was in his mid-20s. Maxwell then stated that the Bishops in the European Office of the Vatican aided him and his agency at the time, to which the Bishop recounted that they sought his cooperation but later painted himself as the victim by saying that they coerced him into cooperation. He described that The Major always had a "leering grin with unpleasant eyes," expressed his detestable grin that "would seem to almost split his cheeks," and detailed The Major as a "disgusting man." He then informed Maxwell of what The Major said, "Savor the joy of war limitlessly... For the next war, and the next, and the next." Afterwards, The Bishop depicted The Major as a "short, fat, mere lieutenant who spoke with the air of... almost of a commander's of Hell's own minions."

Subsequently, Maxwell recounted that they initiated their operations with much gusto, explaining that it had been a project to transport materials and personnel from the occupied territories but noted that this had been trivial in comparison to their true project: the "Vampire Production Program," code-named "Last Battalion." The Bishop had been baffled when Maxwell revealed all this crucial information, asking him how much he truly knew, to which Maxwell had told him to not underestimate Iscariot, proclaiming that this hadn't been an investigative inquiry, a debriefing, an internal affairs inquiry, nor a court of impeachment; rather, it had been an "Inquisition," Maxwell said with a maniacal smile. Then one of the Armed Priest Vanguard's slammed the Bishop's head on the table.

Maxwell remarked that it had been absurd for him to say that The Major had coerced him, stating otherwise, as Maxwell proclaimed that he (the Bishop) had gladly offered his assistance to The Major because his "honeyed" words had awakened the desires within him, that was to become a vampire. He mocked and belittled the Bishop for wanting vampirism so badly that he would even turn his back on God, expressing that a Bishop would have known better than to sell his soul. Maxwell then narrated that although the project hadn't been completed on time and all that had been perfected were imperfect ghouls, the ability to place ghouls at the front lines would have been fearful had the program not been destroyed by Hellsing.

The Bishop once more planned to somehow excuse his actions; Maxwell said that it pained him to even think that a Bishop assisted The Major, telling him to contain himself as Heinkel pulled out her pistol. She then pointed the pistol directly at the back of the Bishop's head despite his pleas for mercy, to which Maxwell said that if he really were the servant of God, then he'd know that the Vatican could never permit his survival after he sided with Millennium. Maxwell bid Amen as Heinkel pulled the trigger, executing the Bishop.

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