Hellsing Wiki
Note: The article uses events as described by the booklet of OVA X,[a] while simultaneously using the novel's description and interpretations of the characters.

Mina Harkerミナ・ハーカー, Mina Hākā, also referred to as "THE SHI彼女, Kanojo," is a pivotal posthumous character in the Hellsing series created by Kohta Hirano. She is also one of the main characters of Dracula by Bram Stoker.

Once a young schoolmistress dragged into a hopeless situation by Count Dracula, who found that he desired her, and so, turned her into a vampire at the dismay of her fiancé, Arthur Holmwood.[1] She soon returned to human form after Dracula's defeat at the hands of Abraham Van Helsing, Quincey Morris, Jack Seward, and Arthur Holmwood, but Millennium excavated her body seeking to create Artificial Vampires.


Mina was a fairly short woman with a skinny build, with long, messy blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a burgundy pink dress. Later, when her body was dug up and brought to the Millennium compound, she was mummified, wrapped in bandages, and tied in with several straps.



She was a young mistress who was best friends with Lucy Westenra and engaged to Arthur Holmwood.[1] In the series of events that culminated in Dracula's arrival, he found that he desired Mina, so he met Mina and performed a "blood baptism" ritual in which he drank her blood and she drank his, therefore becoming a vampire. This established her telepathic connection with Dracula, who shortly thereafter fled to Transylvania while Mina slowly succumbed to Dracula's influence. Under the hypnotism of Van Helsing, Mina was able to trace down Dracula's location, and subsequently, the group (consisting of Quincey Morris, Jack Seward, Van Helsing, and Mina) followed the Count back to his castle. Dracula was then defeated after a fierce confrontation with the group, resulting in Quincey's death. Afterwards, Mina regained her humanity back and later presumably lived a normal life with Arthur Holmwood, her fiancé.


Although Dracula was defeated, Van Helsing brought Dracula back to England and was subjected to various modifications and techniques, the Hellsing Organisation was then established. As such, the essence of Dracula remained within her corpse on a microscopic level, protecting it from some levels of decay as well as resisting even purification from holy water. Her corpse was found and exhumed by Millennium and experimented on by The Professor, from which he managed to create pseudo-vampires that the Nazi organization used. In 1999, at the climax of the war in London, The Professor sought to escape the battlefield and continue to advance his procedures, only to be put to a stop by Walter C. Dornez, who attacked The Professor which resulted in him accidentally ripping off the cloth hiding Mina's skeletal remains and revealing her. The explosion of the Deus Ex Machina resulted in Mina's remains being destroyed.


  • There is a metal seal in her skull written in the lower-right corner "SS Gestapo," Hitler's secret police service during World War II, implying the Gestapo was involved with Millennium for some time. Gestapo's emblem is also used for Millennium.
  • According to Walter, Mina was the only vampire transformed by Alucard to drink Alucard's blood in return.



  1. 不死の怪物となった“伯爵”がトランシルヴァニ アの居城で、アーサー・ホルムウッド、キンシー・モ リス、ジャック・セワード、エイブラハム・ヴァン・ヘ ルシングらによって倒される。一連の事件の際、 アーサーの婚約者であったミナは“伯爵”と出会 い、彼の血を飲む儀式“血の洗礼”を行なった。 その後“伯爵”は王立国教騎士団一ヘルシング 機関において様々な改造・術式を施される。


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Hellsing: Ultimate X Booklet
  2. Order 83: Black Onyx (2)