Hellsing Wiki
Manga/OVA Canon Anime Canon

The London Police Commander隊長, Taichō is a minor character in the Hellsing series created by Kohta Hirano. He is voiced by Taketora in the Japanese sub and Ralph Lister in the English dub.

A low-level official who questioned the legitimacy of Sir Integral Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing's revelation about the occult. He is the commander of the Cheddar Village investigation unit before he is forcefully ordered to seek out the Hellsing Organisation's assistance within the situation.


A man in his thirties with brown hair and a little on the chubby side, he has golden eyes and is quite tall. He wears formal attire, which includes a yellow long-sleeved shirt with a blue tie and dark brown vest, under a light brown coat with matching trousers and black business shoes.


In the wake of multiple murders around Cheddar Village, which includes policemen and villagers alike, the Commander is tasked with leading the London Police unit to investigate the situation. However, he soon loses contact with the unit that he sends in to the village, yet the image they capture with a camera leaves him baffled. He soon calls upon the Hellsing Organisation to help with the investigation. Upon the arrival of the director of Hellsing, the revelation in which the Organisation's head is a woman surprises him.

Worried, he questions Sir Integra, the leader of Hellsing, about the situation at hand, in which Sir Integra assures him that his worries are at an end. He proceeds to show Integra the picture that the unit took, to which she explains that they're ghouls, confusing him and the others. Sir Integra then goes more in-depth, which reveals vampires and zombies to his shock. He questions the validity of Integra's statements, but Integra brushes it off and says, "A low-level official like you probably wouldn't have known." Sir Integra then explains the origins and purpose of the Hellsing Organisation, before informing them that they're sending in an expert on the way.

Sometime later, the agent, Alucard, finishes his mission and brings along a girl with him. To their (Commander and Integra's) shock, she explains that she's already dead after Alucard states that there were no survivors.

