Hellsing Wiki

Ilyushinイリューシン, Iryūshin was an Anti-Christ Communist leader whom committed multiple mass-murders on churches, and was the leader of that same group of terrorists. It seems that Ilyushin's group operates in Germany, more specifically, Berlin. In the Crossfire Drama CD, she was voiced by Rei Igarashi.


A young, lanky, woman who appeared to be in their 20s; Ilyushin was a woman whose hair was shorter in the back, however, longer on the front; but however, her hair's bangs was visibly falling to the right side of her head. She was flat chested and long limbed. Throughout her appearance, she was dressed in an all-black dress with buttons, along with a pair of gloves and was seen smoking.


Ilyushin's psychopathic nature in battle.

Ilyushin's psychopathic and over-confident nature in battle.

At the start of the chapter, she maintains a calm, collected and cool composure. Despite this, she's obviously not the person you expected her to be. Seemingly, she knows a lot about weapons; describing a weapon with specifics when buying them and she's quite a rich woman. She's also quite full of herself, and an extremely confident person in general; asking what the Vatican could possibly to them, in addition; calling them "Humanitarians".

However, she smiles manically when thinking about the two nuns who had wiped up the Avlah Aqvalah. Unlike Aphram however, she does not cower or anything; rather, she fought her opponents straight on, head-to-head. But her overwhelming confidence got the better of her, and she eventually died at the hands of Yumie.


In 1998 Germany, Berlin; Ilyushin committed mass murder at a church, killing eight priests and nuns, leaving four badly injured, and stealing a total of $3,700,000 from the church. However, Ilyushin did not attempt to hide it; instead, they marked a symbol of a star at the church's floor which says; "True Liberation To All Revolutionaries Worldwide", meaning that they had knowingly, engage in an upcoming war with the Vatican.

Ilyushin buying som weapons

Ilyushin, requesting some weapons.

Back at the hotel, Ilyushin was making a deal with a person from the Ridgeway Company; specifically, buying weapons for the war. Their deal seemingly went well enough, and the weapon dealer accepted the offer for about; $2,572,760.45 and Ilyushin agreed to do so. Stating that "money and clientele" are his gods, Ridgeway left Ilyushin's room and then, had a brief talk with one of her men about the Vatican, in which, Ilyushin was very confident that she can trust Ridgeway, and asks him; what can the "humanitarians" do to them. The man mentioned the Beka'a Plateau Incident and Ilyushin smiles widely, asking "You refer to the Islamic terrorists who were wiped out by the two in the priest and nun getup while trying to take hostages at the relief center?". Before the man could answer, a door knocks and the woman, who was behind the door said that a delivery had arrived for Ilyushin.

Knowing that this was a trap, Ilyushin ordered the man to not open, however, was too late as the man was split in-half; killing him instantly. Two nuns busts through the door and the other agent started shooting Ilyushin's men, killing almost all of them before they could react; however, Ilyushin used one of his men as a boost and attacked Heinkel, which caught her off-guard. Fortunately, Heinkel managed to dodge the strike, but however, was kicked and sent plunging to the floor. She then proceeds to choke Heinkel, however, Yumie, just before Ilyushin could finish off Heinkel, comes from behind and strikes Ilyushin; leaving Heinkel with Ilyushin's men.

Ilyushin's death

Ilyushin's eventual death at the hands of Heinkel.

Telling Heinkel to stay out of this, the two engages in a duel; and had a brief talk about beliefs, in which, Ilyushin called the Vatican; "Parasitic Creatures" and "Lunatics", which angered Yumie, whom responded back by making fun of her for believing in Communism to this day. This causes Ilyushin to be clouded by anger, and therefore - lost focus; leaving Yumie with a chance to finish her once and for all; using a technique called "Shimabara Battouiairyuu, Tenzan", Yumie managed to slice off both of Ilyushin's eyes after breaking her sword.

Blinded and in pain, Ilyushin started screaming until Heinkel made one last speech before shooting her, ending Ilyushin once and for all.

