Hellsing Wiki

Huger (ハガー) and Jessica (ジェシカ) were two vampires that appeared in both the anime and manga (along with the OVA series).



Huger (ハガー) was the male vampire, red eyes, with pale skin and black hair (white in the OVA).

He wears a Green coat with a dark red T-Shirt, a white baggy pants with Brown shoes and a Light Purple beanie.


Jessica (ジェシカ) was the female vampire of the duo, hair dyed a blue color (brunette in the OVA). She too had fair skin, Red eyes (Blue in the Anime).


In Hellsing/Ultimate[]

They are newly turned and quite weak for vampires, armed with Škorpion . Huger was killed by Alucard and Jessica was terminated by Seras Victoria. They are cruel, trigger-happy, sadistic and psychotic as they ruthlessly killed innocent people without reason. They are also shown to be sexually deviant, indecent and very vulgar in the television series, as shown after their recent killing spree Jessica is shown off-screen giving Huger fellatio.

Huger is shown to be the most ruthless and psychotic as he seems to be the one who calls the shots. His girlfriend, Jessica, only seems to follow him without a second thought. In the anime, they are called "Bonnie and Clyde".

