Hellsing Wiki
Manga/OVA Canon Anime Canon

Her Royal English Legions of Legitimate Supernatural and Immortal Night Guard, the Hellsing Agency[a]HELLSINGヘルシング機関」, Herushingu Kikan, more formally known as the Order of Royal Protestant Knights王立国教騎士団, Ōritsu Kokkyō Kishidan, is the fictional titular government agency of the Hellsing series created by Kohta Hirano.

It is the agency created to exterminate unhuman forces that threaten the safety of the United Kingdom. Hellsing is directed by Sir Integral Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, a member of the Hellsing family and descendant of Abraham Van Helsing; the founder of the agency. The headquarters of Hellsing itself is setup in the Hellsing residence, and the agency is funded by the Round Table Council committee.



The Hellsing Agency was created by the British Government—in cooperation with Abraham Van Helsing—in order to exterminate hostile, supernatural forces that threatened the countries' safety.[5][4][6][7] The agency as a whole is spearheaded by a director; as Abraham Van Helsing was deeply involved in creating the agency, each generation of new Hellsing directors are descendants of Van Helsing.[8] The Hellsing lineage ends with Sir Integra Hellsing; in 2030, she is past childbearing age and has not adopted.[9] Her intent is to let the new members of the Round Table carry the burden once she dies, resulting in a new government agency entity to take over the responsibility that Hellsing had left behind, proclaiming, "This is the wrong era for a single family to be leading an entire agency."[10]

Hellsing has a command structure independent of the government, military, and police;[8] decisions are made by the Round Table Council円卓会議, Entaku Kaigi, an association made up of twelve individuals of political, economic prominence, nobles, and military leaders, all loyal to the English Crown[11] but are usually left to the discretion of the head of the agency,[8] in addition, the Hellsing family is among the council's members.[12] The military division, which served its purpose as the Hellsing headquarters bodyguard, contained a full list of 96 members before the attack on the Hellsing Headquarters, later reduced to 8[13] before the hiring of the Wild Geese.[14] Agency Attaché情報官, Jōhō-kan, lit. "Intelligence Officer"》 (e.g., Iscariot Attaché) are mentioned to have existed in order to collect information and investigate subjects that each attaché is specialized at, as they are each set on different tasks—the only known attaché of the Hellsing Agency is the Iscariot Attaché.[15]


Main article: Hellsing Agency Special Military Forces

Although Hellsing is known only to the upper echelons of the police and military, it is given considerable latitude in its activities.[4] For example, if a supernatural creature is found or suspected to be involved, Hellsing's director is allowed to take operational action at their own discretion, outside the chain of command of the police and military in charge of the case.[16][17] Hellsing is also given financial aid by the Round Table Council and is given the needed resources for their soldiers, mostly by the Penwood family.[18] To not cause public panic, the supernatural creatures are kept secret; Hellsing works beneath the unsuspecting populace[19] against what they consider the "Antichrist,"[5] while the Round Table Council works to censor any information regarding the existence of monsters.[20] In 1999, Hellsing activities were considered "loud" and caused many Round Table members to worry.[21]

Hellsing soldiers had the equipment of a military force and were seen using MP5 submachine guns along with L85 assault rifles and M4A1 carbines.[22] According to Walter's report in the aftermath of the Valentine brothers' attack on the headquarters, the Hellsing Agency's military included 96 soldiers, reduced to a mere 8 after battling the ghoul army (and the 8 survivors only escaped death by being away from the headquarters at the time of the attack).[13] In order to keep up their fighting strength in the face of Millennium's looming threat, Walter decided to hire the Wild Geese mercenaries to replace their lost soldiers;[14] Wild Geese members once conscripted were seen using a diverse set of guns, including AK-47s, automatic grenade launchers, and other weapons.[23][24][25] The Trump Card of the agency is Alucard,[26] a vampire himself[27] who works against his own kind as a "garbage disposal hit man" after pledging loyalty to the first master of the Hellsing family.[28]


The headquarters for Hellsing is based on a large manor located on the outskirts of London. The scale of the manor is large; training areas, which include shooting ranges, are located around this manor, libraries, and even clock towers are shown. This facility is most often used during meetings with the Round Table Council. The nature of the secretive agency and strategic location in which the manor is set leads to the weak defense of the gates (and the manor as a whole, whose security was noted as being "lax" by an Iscariot agent[29]), causing surprise and unprepared attacks to be devastating for Hellsing and the headquarters itself.[30]


The official motto of Hellsing appears to be "We will never give up and despair. We are on a mission from God," with the "We are on a mission from God" part appearing on the crest itself.

Coat of Arms
We are on a mission from God


Hellsing was founded by the British Government around 1899 in collaboration with Van Helsing to oversee and exterminate the undead that may pose a threat to the countries' safety. Over the coming years, they have since conducted their operations beneath the public eye, and information surrounding monsters is kept a close secret within the Government to not cause public panic.

In 1944, Sir Arthur Hellsing, then the director of Hellsing, sent Alucard and a 14-year-old Walter C. Dornez to halt the attempts by The Major to create an army of vampires that could help the Nazis win World War II under the orders of the Führer. They succeeded in eradicating the scientists, although they failed to kill the key members of the project. After World War II, it was decided that Alucard was too powerful and potentially dangerous to be used as a weapon and thus was sealed away in the basement of the Hellsing headquarters.

In 1989, upon Arthur's death, his daughter, Integra Hellsing, became the director of Hellsing. Her uncle Richard Hellsing attempted to kill her and take the headship of Hellsing for himself. This inadvertently awakened Alucard, who quickly overpowers Richard. Then, in a bold move, the 12-year-old Integra fires the bullet that ends Richard's life. By doing so, she is left at the helm of Hellsing and the true master of Alucard.

In 1999, Sir Integra Hellsing discovered the existence of Millennium and their continuation of the vampire production program and sought to destroy the operation. However, attempts to destroy the operation failed as Millennium advanced to directly attack and invade London. Iscariot was supposed to assist Hellsing in destroying Millennium, but Enrico Maxwell took this as the chance to rid the world of Protestants and betrayed Hellsing. It took the full release of Alucard's powers to stop the invasion and kill the remaining forces of the Last Battalion and the Ninth Crusade, later resulting in the disappearance of Hellsing's Trump Card via Schrödinger of the Werwolf Squad, in which Hellsing was finally able to win.

In 2029, Hellsing continued operations, and Sir Integra took the role of mentor to oversee the new generation of the Round Table Council. Bearing no children of her own, Sir Integra seeks to end Hellsing's operations after she passes away and let the new generations of the Round Table carry the burden, which results in a new government agency bearing the responsibility Hellsing left behind, claiming that the generation is overdue for a single family to lead an entire agency of their own. Alucard made an unexpected return the same day that night.

Relationship with Iscariot

Historically, the relationship between Hellsing and the Vatican's Section XIII, Iscariot, has had a rocky and controversial relationship due to their similarities and bases of operations. They can be accurately described as rivals that would cooperate if needed, however.[31] The region in which the two operate is quite close, as Iscariot focuses on regions that are majority Catholic while Hellsing runs on an operation where it is majority Protestant. Despite this, the two had butted heads over whose operations are allowed to take place within the region of Northern Ireland, culminating in the fight between Hellsing and Alexander Anderson.[32] Makube, the leader that successes Maxwell as the head of Iscariot, is more patient with Hellsing.[9]




Concept and Creation

The series title "Hellsing" was derived from the fact that one of the protagonists is a descendant of Abraham Van Helsing.[33] They're based on a preexisting agency with a similar title in Hirano's previous work.[34] Iscariot was created for the sole purpose of being a rival organization to Hellsing.[35]


It is not specifically known if "Hellsing" was a direct result of a translation mistake done by Hirano, as the katakana for "Helsing" is the same for "Hellsing" (ヘルシング). "Hellsing," being an abbreviation, came from the Rescript I booklet.[b] The formal name for the agency, "王立国教騎士団 (Oritsu Kokkyō Kishidan)," is often translated as "Order of Royal Protestant Knights" or "Royal Order of Protestant Knights," but the booklet from the Blu-ray boxset edition of the OVA renders to it as "The Holy Order of Protestant Knights." Dark Horse Comics often switches the entity name for Hellsing (Agency) with "Organization," resulting in "Hellsing Organization."



  1. Alternatively referred to as "Hellsing Organization/Organisation."
  2. A special edition DVD release for the Hellsing anime with animation corrections.


  1. Rescript I Booklet
  2. Order 09: Dead Zone (3) Chapter Cover
  3. Order 11: Balance of Power (1) p. 8. "This Hellsing Organisation was formed one hundred years ago."
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Hellsing: Ultimate I Booklet
  5. 5.0 5.1 Order 01: Vampire Hunter p. 7. "We, the Order of Royal Protestant Knights, also known as the Hellsing Agency... have fought against these monsters since ancient days. We are the secret service set up to consign to oblivion against these Antichrist freaks who would try to violate the British Empire and the Protestant Church."
  6. HELLSING official guide book. "大英帝国と国教であるプロテスタントを守るために組織された 化物殲滅の特務機関。 その存在を知るのは、英国内でも限られたもののみ一。" (Rough Translation: A special agency created to protect the British Empire and Protestantism, the state religion, from monsters. Its existence is known only to a limited number of people in the United Kingdom.)
  7. HELLSING official guide book p. 018. "ごく一部にしかその存在を知られて いない、王立特務機関ヘルシング。そ の任務は、大英帝国と国教・プロテス タントに仇なす化物を殲滅すること。" (Rough Translation: The Order of Royal Protestant Knights—the Hellsing Agency—is only known to a select few people from the populace. Their mission is to exterminate monsters that pose a threat to the British Empire and the Protestant Church.)
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 HELLSING OVA I-V Blu-ray BOX Booklet
  9. 9.0 9.1 Order 89: Romancia
  10. Order 89: Romancia p. 14. "When I die, Hellsing will come to an end. Then, they will have to carry the burden. Thereafter, some primary government agency will have to bear the responsbility. This is the wrong era for a single family to be leading an entire agency."
  11. Order 07: Dead Zone (1) p. 1
  12. HELLSING official guide book p. 017. "英国王室に忠誠を誓う、12人の政財界 の重要人物、貴族、軍人からなる秘密結社。代々の ヘルシング家当主も名を連ねている。大英帝国を裏 で牛耳る組織である。" (Translation: A society made up of twelve individuals of political, economic prominence, nobles, and military leaders, all loyal to the English Crown. The Hellsing family is among its members. Essentially, this is the small group that runs the British Empire from behind the scenes.)
  13. 13.0 13.1 Order 11: Balance of Power (1) p. 1. "Of the ninety-six Hellsing London Base staff members, only ten remain alive. Of those, eight survived because they were away from base on that day."
  14. 14.0 14.1 Order 11: Balance of Power (1) p. 5. "I employed some pro mercenaries. As long as they're paid under contact.... the Wild Geese will never betray us."
  15. Order 04: Sword Dancer (1) p. 27
  16. Order 01: Vampire Hunter p. 7
  17. Order 03: Murder Club pp. 1-2
  18. Order 39: Final Fantasy (4) p. 2. "That rascal Arthur!! Something would come up and he'd make such unreasonable demands. Like, 'Let's have one of those new-issue firearms.' Or, 'Let's have a helicopter.' Always up to something!"
  19. Order 11: Balance of Power (1) p. 8. "We have conducted our operations beneath an unsuspecting populace... ...as an instrument in the war against vampires."
  20. Order 07: Dead Zone (1) p. 1. "We can only control so much information."
  21. Order 07: Dead Zone (1) p. 1. "These recent incident... They're too much for us to keep under wraps."
  22. Hellsing: Ultimate II
  23. Hellsing: Ultimate III
  24. Hellsing: Ultimate VI
  25. Hellsing: Ultimate VII
  26. Order 01: Vampire Hunter p. 9. "'One of our men is a special anti-vampire expert. He's already on his way to Cheddar. it should be over in a few hours. his name is Alucard. When it comes to monsters... Yes, especially vampires... ...No one is more expert than him.'"
  27. HELLSING official guide book p. 018. "彼らのもつ最強の武器は、「吸血鬼アー カード」。" (Rough Translation: The most powerful weapon the agency possesses is the "Vampire Alucard.")
  28. HELLSING official guide book p. 006. "最強の不死の王と恐れられていたが、エイブラハム・ヴァン・ヘルシン グ教授らに倒され、以降ヘルシング家に仕える従僕となる。 (Rough Translation: He was feared as the No-Life King but was defeated by Professor Abraham Van Helsing and his group of vampire hunters; subsequently, he became a servant of the Hellsing family.)
  29. Order 89: Romancia p. 10. "The security here is as lax as ever."
  30. Dead Zone Arc
  31. HELLSING official guide book p. 079. "ミレニアムなる組織 に対抗するため、一時的 に共闘することとなったへ ルシング機関とヴァチカン。" (Rough Translation: The Hellsing Agency and the Vatican temporarily join forces to oppose an organization called Millennium.)
  32. Sword Dancer Arc
  33. https://animeanime.jp/article/2008/07/07/3365.html
  34. Hellsing (Prototype)
  35. HELLSING official guide book Kohta Hirano Vs. Interviewer: Battle 01