Round Table Council President, Retired General Rob Walsh 《円卓会議議長ロブ・ウォルシュ退役大将, Entaku kaigi gichō Robu Worushu taieki taishō》 is a supporting character in the Hellsing series created by Kohta Hirano. He is voiced by Ryuuzaburou Outomo in the Japanese sub and Orion Acaba in the English dub.
He is a general within the British Army and a high-ranking member of the Round Table Council, also a good acquaintance of Sir Hugh Irons and one of the only two surviving members of the old generations of the Round Table by 2029, the other being Sir Integral Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing.
Walsh was the second oldest member of the Round Table in 1999, just behind Sir Irons. He has a white, messy mullet slicked to the back and a very long goatee of the same color. In different colors, his eyebrows are brown. His pupils are colored bright gold. Under a military commander suit with many badges across, Walsh wore a white turtle neck shirt. His outfit is finished with military pants and boots, along with a red beret. In 2029, Walsh now wears glasses.
Walsh appears as a sarcastic, smug, and easygoing military commander who has experienced much in his long life. Even when declaring revenge over Millennium, Walsh retains his smirk in contrast to Irons' intense look. However, he is capable of being shocked and speechless as Irons deduces the traitor that's been right under their noses all along.[2] By 2029, Walsh still act as he did back in 1999, just now more calm.[3] Much like many other characters in Hellsing, Walsh seems to be a compulsive smoker. In 2029, he's shown to be smoking a pipe rather than a cigarette.[4][5]
At some point in the series before the main event of Hellsing, Walsh entered the British Military and eventually got the rank of Lieutenant-General.
In 1999, Walsh greets Sir Irons in a military camp over at Dover. Irons brings him the news about Penwood's death, and both of them later express their desire for Millennium's downfall. Walsh also brought Irons news of his own, that the extraction strike forces in which Irons had positioned, are starting to see results. However, the problem is London. Walsh then talks about the "final solution," which is nukes. Though that's a last resort, and Her Majesty believes in those who're still fighting for London; she who commands a vampire to exterminate a vampire.
Walsh then talks about a possible traitor amongst their ranks, and questions Irons' confidence in Penwood not being the traitor. The latter explained that Penwood would rather commit suicide rather than turn traitor. When Walsh then asked if it was him or Irons, since they were the only ones left, Irons stated that he'd send memos to the members of the Round Table beforehand. However, Irons then talks about a possible suspect, that is, Hellsing butler Walter C. Dornez. The shocking revelation stunned and flabbergasted Walsh, who dropped his cigar on the map which caused it to burn.
Sometime later between 1999 and 2029, Walsh was appointed President of the Round Table after Irons' death, or retirement. Walsh takes Irons' great-grandson, Sir Irons IV, under his wing. In 2029, the night of Alucard's reappearance, Walsh questions Irons' decision to stay and read many newspapers about the "airship affair," to which Irons stated that if the events were to occur again, then it'll be his resolve to resolve it without taking up arms. Walsh then tells Irons that he reminds him (Walsh) about his great-grandfather.
- Sir Hugh Irons: Irons and Walsh were friends, although Irons isn't as close with Walsh as he is with Arthur and Penwood, they were nonetheless friends. Both of them share a deep respect for Penwood, and also the same hate for Millennium.[6] Their friendship went to an extent as Walsh later seemingly took Irons' great-grandson under his wing. Walsh noting the similarities between Irons' great-grandson and him, implies that Walsh knew Irons very well.[7]
- Millennium: For their actions in attacking Great Britain for such pettiness and selfish reasons, Walsh has a deep hatred for Millennium and The Major especially, calling them "Nazi shits" and "buggers."[8]
As the General of the British Military, and a high-ranking member of the Round Table Council, Walsh is an exceptional leader. He was, along with Sir Irons and Sir Integra, one of the few ones left alive out of the Round Table members in 1999. His theory about a traitor amongst the Twelve, compromising crucial intelligence to an enemy organization was proven correct. However, Irons was the one who figured out who the traitor was. Although it was too late.[9] After Irons' passing, Walsh became President of the Round Table.[10]
- Walsh's introduction was very late into the series, appearing in volume 9. In OVA II, there is a character among the Round Table that resembles Walsh.