Hellsing Wiki

Ferdinant Lukesカトリック系孤児院フェルディナントルークス院, Katorikku-kei minashigo-in Ferudinantorūkusu-in is a Catholic orphanage located near Rome. The orphanage was founded and owned by Alexander Anderson.


It's an orphanage where, Alexander took kids in; and guides them through Catholicism, 'the path of righteous holiness'. Its mansion appears to be quite big, well it's an orphanage. It's located near Rome, which is the capital of Italy and home to the Vatican City, meaning that members of Vatican Section XIII can easily go there had the need arrives for Anderson. In addition, only 5 orphans were seen in Hellsing; the two unknown kids at Anderson's introduction, specifics; Chapter 4: two unknown orphans that was scolded by Anderson, along with Heinkel Wulf, Yumiko Takagi and Enrico Maxwell. All of them were clearly taught to use violence against Demons and Heathens, and it showed Anderson's kind side. Estimates of Orphans are also not given.


Chapter 15 shows that Anderson himself had a room, and is quite small and is shown to be very messy, showing that Anderson's quite careless about it. He was there to watch the news on a cable TV about the recent news in Rio Hotel, where an unidentified girl and man called "J.H. Brenner" apparently had hostages inside their room, and a full-on raid for them is almost close to happening. The chapter also shows that they have a dinner room, and a specific time for dinner; which means that they basically have a chef, or maid that cooks for them. Anderson's aforementioned room was filled with books, which can be assumed to be bibles, along with a bed and a cable TV that's on a shelf that's yet again, filled with books.

They were later mentioned again during the meeting of Sir Integral Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, and Maxwell in the Imperial War Museum; to which, Anderson said to Maxwell that sometime; they should bring the kids there, saying that it's a "nice place". After Anderson had died, it is unknown what happened to the Orphanage, either they're abandoned; or someone took over is not clear.

Known Members[]



Former Orphans[]
