Hellsing Wiki
Note: The article uses events as described by the booklet of OVA X,[a] while simultaneously using the novel's description and interpretations of the characters.

Arthur Holmwoodアーサー・ホルムウッド, Āsā Horumuuddo is a minor character in the Hellsing series created by Kohta Hirano. He is also one of the main characters in Dracula by Bram Stoker.


Arthur Holmwood appeared to be wearing a dark green high-neck trench coat with matching green trousers and brown boots. In addition, he wore a wide-brimmed, dark brown fedora with multiple white stripes covering across the fedora's band and a pair of dark brown gloves. He had blue eyes and was incredibly tall (in comparison to Mina) with short, dark hair.


Arthur was devoted to Mina Harker, his fiancée and later wife.[3] The son of Lord Godalming, it is through his wealth and fortune that the team were able to be funded in their operation of vanquishing Dracula. When his fiancée was terrorized by Count Dracula, Holmwood was prone to melancholia.


He was best friends with Lucy Westenra's suitors, Quincey Morris and Jack Seward, while also engaged with Lucy's best friend, Mina Harker. Mina, Arthur's fiancée, was turned into a vampire and was forced to drink Dracula's blood in a ritual as he desired her. The group, which consisted of Holmwood, Quincey, Jack, and Abraham Van Helsing, learned of Dracula's whereabouts through the hypnosis performed by Van Helsing on Mina, whose connection to Dracula was established after she became a vampire through him, and tracked Dracula down to Transylvania, where a fierce battle ensued that cost Quincey his life. Arthur and Mina later married.


  • This portrayal of Arthur, where he is engaged with Mina, is similar to the 1958 adaptation of Dracula by Terence Fisher.
  • In the novel, Arthur and Jonathan Harker exchange personality types depending on whose significant other is being terrorized by the Count.




  1. 不死の怪物となった“伯爵”がトランシルヴァニ アの居城で、アーサー・ホルムウッド、キンシー・モ リス、ジャック・セワード、エイブラハム・ヴァン・ヘ ルシングらによって倒される。一連の事件の際、 アーサーの婚約者であったミナは“伯爵”と出会 い、彼の血を飲む儀式“血の洗礼”を行なった。 その後“伯爵”は王立国教騎士団一ヘルシング 機関において様々な改造・術式を施される。


  1. Hellsing: Ultimate X Booklet
  2. Order 64: Hundred Swords (3)
  3. Hellsing: Ultimate X Booklet
